Free art materials are everywhere! This blog is dedicated to exploring and encouraging the use of found art materials. As an art therapist who works with children and their families, I am especially interested in the possibilities for incorporating creative play into everyday family life. Using materials we find around us can make the process fun, lively, personal, affordable, and environmentally responsible. So get out there and start collecting garbage!


Styrofoam: Can we learn to love it?

Does anybody NOT hate those styrofoam peanuts that come in packages and are loaded with static so they cling to you? Well, it turns out they, too, can be an art material. I worked as an arts & crafts counselor at an amazing, wonderful camp this summer called Camp Amerikids. This was my lei for the unforgettable luau dance. It's decorated with a little paint, plastic bag ties, and some metallic ties that I once picked up in the dollar store.

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