Free art materials are everywhere! This blog is dedicated to exploring and encouraging the use of found art materials. As an art therapist who works with children and their families, I am especially interested in the possibilities for incorporating creative play into everyday family life. Using materials we find around us can make the process fun, lively, personal, affordable, and environmentally responsible. So get out there and start collecting garbage!


More jewelry: telephone wire casing

Colored telephone wire is high on my list of materials I love, but it took me awhile to realize that the casing for the wires was an art material too! These beads were made by slicing the casing into short lengths and layering them with paper scraps. I used Mod Podge, but Elmer's thinned with a little water would work well too. This piece is reminiscent of kids' macaroni necklaces, but much sturdier! To come: stuff made from the great colorful wires inside.

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